Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Touch of Rumi

Like a thief reason sneaked in
and sat amongst the lovers
eager to give them advice.

They were unwilling to listen,
so reason kissed their feet
and went on its way.
- Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi

For more, visit


Anonymous said...

I am a student of photography at the Academy of Art in San Francisco, getting my masters in fine art photography. Currently I am taking a mixed media class. In the class I am asked to keep a journal of my favorite/inspiring work. I have no idea who you are or how you do your work, but at least half of my journal is filled with printouts of your work (that in no way does it justice). I would love to see some of your work in person. Do you show at any galleries? Do you have more work online I can see?
You art is moving, in a way that I cannot express in words. I feel deeply connected to what I see. Thank you for posting you work on the Internet and sharing it with all of us. I will do my best to share you name with other.

yours truly said...

Your art is so beautiful and touching. I would love to add a link to your blog with mine, if you don't mind. Inspiring! I hope you will continue to update this blog. I just found it, but will be back!